Let me give you a little background on how this conversation started....I was working at a local photography studio and had just finished up showing a family there portraits and helping them choose what sizes they wanted. It was very hard for me to tell them "the 20x24 with a frame cost (x) amount". Which in my mind seemed like so much money. So I decided I would discuss this with my boss. After expressing to him my concerns he went on to explain to me that the value of a portrait is priceless. You would not bat an eye at spending thousands on a new refrigerator, furniture, art, etc....but if your house was on fire those items would not even be near the top of your list of things you would save.
That was a huge eye opener for me and I will never think of portraits the same way. The value of your portraits can not even be measured by price. They are captured moments in your families life that can not ever be duplicated. They are handed down from generation to generation and are treasured for decades.
I know that this is a less than pleasant way to explain this but this is what it took for me to understand and I just wanted to share it.
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