I dont know how many times Ive said "I love my job" latley I have really tried to analize for my sake what it is that I love???? so Cody and I sat down and made a list!!! we decided that it really important to both of us to create beautiful portraits and art peices for our clients and capture there memories.... we also really enjoy the feeling we get when our clients love there portraits and exspress that to us... we also love the places we get to go and things we get to see... we love that we get to involve friends and family into our buisness and we get to spend lots of time with our children because tis buisness allows us to... we love the other photographers and artists and mentors that we meet and learn from...I cant forget our employs Stacy and April you guys dont even know how much you bring to this buisness and our lives... BUT most of all we LOVE!!! all of you-- the new friends that we get to make every time we have a new or return client.you have all truly became our friends and we always look forward to spending time with you and sharing in your memorys!!! that why we finally decided that what we love about this job is "RELATIONSHIPS" that is our new word at Kesling photography... the relationships we build is OUR PRODUCT!!! and the photography is wellll just what we do.. WE BUILD RELATIONSHIPS!! check out what some of our friends have said about us at http://www.linkedin.com/in/keslingphotography .... thanks for your time
forgot to spell check again!!! sorry