Talk about a hard day of work!!!! This group of 2011 senior model "YARD DOGS" were hardcore!! they spent all day in the blazing sun ,dirt,wind, glass and rusty metal with Pebbles the pitbull !!! Ill say it again "HARDCORE" We busted out windows with baseball bats climbed on old smashed up cars and walked the dog!!! so this is just a little sneak peak.. there will be "LOTS" more to come!!! don't forget KESLING PHOTOGRAPHY MODELS... next Sunday the 18th at the Teachout bldg. for part 2.. thank you Trails End Auto Salvage for making our shoot AWESOME!!!!
My daughter, Kiana, had a wonderful time taking these photos and is extremely complimentary of Kesling Photography for your unique ideas and excellent direction. I am so excited to see the rest of the photos! This one is really impressive. Looking forward to more!
I love kesling photography! best ever.... jk27